Saturday, June 22, 2013

Old post


(Old post) Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tomorrow is therapy day. And after that I think I'll go by train to my mom and dad. But, depending on how I feel after the session. 

I always get stressed up and nervous before those kinds of meetings. I used to write down what to say because I often get blank while sitting there, face to face. But lately, I just haven't.

S is also there, sitting with us at the meetings. To help from a different perspective, because what I  experience and feel is happening might not be what S sees and experience, maybe. So let’s say we added a pair of extra eyes and ears into my recovery group. And he’s a great support!

I have come clean with almost everyone I know in my so called "social network", which not is as big as it used to be. Some just faced away when I told them and denied me their support. Some even said anorexia is "just something you do to get attention". NOW HOLD YOUR HORSES LADY, When did I decide to become a mentally disordered person? I didn't that's the problem.


That's why I’m open with my “issues” and teach people to talk about anorexia as it were a pity cold, not like it’s a social disease (but it is) more like it’s no trouble and people just twitch a shoulder. 
Because they know sooo much about those colds and even if they really try to stay away from the cold they might get it anyway, even if they don’t deserve it or want it… and it’s not their fault. We can’t help this. I know I can’t,  I didn’t want it to be like this. It bad, it’s really bad.

We come in all ages and sizes, sexes and  from different countries I say to you. Just looking at my visitors list I have readers in almost every country on our earth.
And that’s why I choose to write in english, to reach out to as many as possible. Because, if I can help one person to feel less lonely or get better or help a parent whose child are troubled with eating disorders, to  understand, not everything but more… that’s a victory.]

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