Saturday, June 22, 2013

I feel better

Don’t bother the “Old post”-post. It’s just for me.

Summer has arrived, feels good. Yesterday sun was at its highest point so now we are moving towards darker times again. 

Last night was a national feast and booze day, but not for us beneath this roof. Good food and good movies and lots of talking. I actually was here last year too, with S and P. (remember I live with my friend P’s parents place).

I've told you that I started to climb again. I’m already super strong and my back and knee problems are history, in just 1 ½ months. And it is so much fun! I’ll be crazy fit I a couple of months.

I don’t have any anxiety while climbing, feel so good. It’s like benzo effect. And I can’t over exercise as I normally do with running or gym because you run out of energy in two hours and your arm muscles are like… not like cooked spaghettis more as they have no strength left what so ever. So you have to climb in intervals. With running you can just keep running for 2 hours without a pause and that’s a trigger for me, cardio, triggers eating disorders and anxiety.

I’ve gained contact with one of my exes again, Martin, It makes me happy. He’s a good guy.

Well, that’s it for now, I'll try my best to blog more often.

Now I’ll go climbing (bouldering)

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