Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Raped Slave

I'm a fool, idiot, evil mother fucker. I feel sad for my parents and everyone else around me. But I'll put on my fake smile and running shoes and pretend to be sweet and healthy, but behind that fake smile is a deranged wierdo with a mind 5x more dirty than the water in India.
But it's worth it, I'm allready a mess, nothing can heal my body so I might as well just keep on doing this.

But I'm tierd of it, it's like a full time jobb 24/7. Imagine to obey someone for 12 years, slavery. I'm a slave.
And when you don't obey anorexia, you're lost. You don't know who you are, only what you could have become with anorexia- perfection. Home sweet home, Anorexia sweet anorexia. You see my point? It's like being gay and you're forced to marry the opposit sex even if you don't want to, or be given away- sold, forced to marry someone you don't like.

It's like being raped, I'm getting raped every day, more or less.
Raped by normal people, raped by my friends and family, raped by my Dr, PhD, I'm getting raped by every fucking person in this world who's not pro anorexia or just anorectic. They force me to do stuf I really dont want to do. I'm crying and I'm having panic attacs, why? Because of the fucking pressure they put me through! Mentally raped, no wonder I'm "mad"
You people who curse anrorectics should be ashamed of yourself, becasuse you have NO IDEA... NO idea of what the hell we're going through unless you've had it yourself, not even a close family member knows. Only a diagnosed person knows what it's like to be a slave under anorexia nervosa.

I hate when people talking bad about size zero, celebrities and models or worst of all anorectics. ARE YOU MAD? It is a disease, mental and physical illness. Do you get mad and talk shit about people who suffer from cancer, too? Cancer, which may in turn lead to deppression? Grief can make you lose weight, do you get mad and talk shit about, carp down on someone who is already mourning and is unstable? No, fck you haters and parasites out there, support us instead, rather than work against us. YOU are the bad guys, not helping us out. You are mean and evil, me too but your worse. Because you have no heart while talking about us...

We're sick and we know it, sometimes. But most of the time we don't know it.
Then we're just fat cows, obese mentals with a BMI at 16. (from 19 and beneath is underwheight)

Now I'll have some more cayenne coffee. No food this far. 
I'll watch a episode of Project Runway and mouring over stupid people along with my cayenne coffee
Then I'll do some pilates. ("pilates")

My name... is unofficial, but my alias is Michel Caro Paris, It's a tribute name. A tribute to Caro who died last year from anorexia, and to Louise Michel, a woman from way back-France who was a part of the french revolution.

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