Today is all about my bike, sunflower seeds, almonds and bananas.
I'v been swimming with dad in the ocean and went by bike around town and in the sand, gosh!
And to stand in a bikini among people is fucking scary, and I felt fat and disgusting, I felt ugly. Even if I'm half the size of the people around me, well well. I'll lose all this fat soon, can't wait!
Tomorrow is judgement day, my 22nd year will start, and my weight at 22yrs is... (...) (?!) We'll see about that tomorrow will we, yes we will... (Scary! Exciting!)
Food diary june 4th 2011
200 grams of nuts and seeds
2 bananas
3 small cups of coffe.
Facts: I ate 50 grams of nuts and dryed fruits, 2 times a day, for one month, and only had water and coffe to drink. I lost 13 kilos.
So with that said - enough food for today! Only coffe and water to drink, thank you very much.
Check out this conversation I had with my mom a minute ago
Mom: -Are you gonna eat something today?
Me: -No, I'm good, coffe and water is all I need
Mom: -Okey... (and she walked out from my room)
Me: -O...key ? (follow her with my eyes along with a questioning face)
First of all, she didn't say "are you not gonna eat today?" or "You have'nt been eating, you have to eat" And she always does that with such a harsh and worried voice. This time she was calm and understanding. Thank you mom, it feels so good (you have no idéa!)
Maybe she've adapteded to my anorexia again, nice if so. Long time since it last happened.
I hate to worry my family and I hate getting irritated or mad at them caused by my disorder.
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