Thursday, December 13, 2012


I’m no longer in the employment office’s papers, and I have no salary or income what so ever, except S’s income, and that’s not much.
Our country is a shitty place. The rich brag about it of being the best in the world. That’s bullshit.
The rich get richer, the poor get even poorer.
I talked to mom, told her everything. She called the social department office and tax office. Without any trouble she did what I’ve trying to do the last two months… we have talked to the same persons but they just drove over me, but not my mom. What kind of a licensed attitude is that!? Treat the young and poor like 5 year olds and the grown-ups as grown-ups.
Now I’m back at the clinic, after lunch and a walk with the dog. I have walked around 8km today, no kidding.
I’m so exhausted, so now I’m almost done for today, just waiting for a call.
Sooo, movie time, well-deserved pause. 

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