Saturday, June 11, 2011

My modeljob + Good bye Cravings-tips

I'm on my way home now, I'm so tired. I'll sleep, I have to sleep. only had 1 hour sleep last night on my way to the job. We started about 8 a.m. with make up and we were done with 3 different make ups and 4 outfits and we were finished about 14p.m. I  had so much fun today, awesome teamwork.

I had 1 apple and some dryed apricots on my way up and ½ banana at the set and now some figs and nuts, so thirsty. need more water asap!

I'm reading a magazine... and found a article 'Bye bye cravings'
They're among many thins saying that chewinggum, teethbrushing and drinking big amounts of water is good when the cravings hits you.

To walk and go cold turkey is 2 tips also, cold turkey (love it) it means that you stop with all the bad stuff, everything at the same time, like a detox.

Sugartops and low bloodsugar... eat regually, have routines... nuts and fruits are good. And this one (so cool)-
If you are having big troubles with stoping the craving for sweets or loads of food. According to the magazine Science Daily you can thing of something else or visualized rainbow or eucalyptus scentese and among the testpersons who did this the craving stoped or shrunk big time.

Jessica Simpson- weak for southern food. her own pick is nachos and chicken wings
Angelina Jolie- Loves McDonalds and Cheerios.
Miranda Kerr- Well, belive it or not but she love fastfood, deepfried. The absolute favourite is her own homemade fried chicken.

Fastfood produces endorphines that makes you happy, so if you should eat, et good. put fruir in the freezer, and you have fruite-icecream when it happens. Ta-dah!

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