Thursday, June 27, 2013

Spirulina and Hemp powder

So, Spirulina and hemp!

I ingest Spirulina as a powder, mixed in hummus, pesto, smoothies, and salads. It tastes nothing, it is dark green and according to some it’s over hyped and others it’s awesome. 
I think it is probably something in between. Can’t be bad for your body, and there’s probably better miracle products, like hemp powder.

Both Spirulina and hemp are high in protein but only the hemp protein can be absorbed by our human body, Spirulina can too but in such a small dose.
But Spirulina is high in in other stuff that I think my body need. So for now Spirulina, bluberry green tea and pumpkinseeds.

I’m vegan and refuse to eat all that processed vegan food. It’s a shame I think, that vegans eat all that fake meat when there’s so much fresh greens and creativity just waiting to be used. 
Worst of all, soy fake meat, so processed. Yuck!

Today is cleaning day, of the entire house. Better get started so I have the evening at liberty.

Want to read more about Spirulina? click here

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