Tuesday, July 12, 2011

modeltalk and workout-schedule

Hey guys!
I just got information about my internet-connection; it will be gone for some days. So this is the last post on a short time of period. I’ll have to solve it in another way because I need internet for work, mail, bank and blog.
It will be gone in an hour or two. So I’m in a hurry to get this out online.
Okay, what’s up…  I’m watching an old episode of Australia’s next top model and what can I say. Jordan is cool and Paloma got issues. But there are drop dead gorgeous both of them. I hope they’re having a good life now, and have grown up to be balanced women’s. ANTM and all the other next top model-series/ episodes are so not like the real deal, really.
Mom and dad are bringing my workout clothes today. Finally I’ll be start the best workout I’ve ever had probably (except… boxing which is the best exercise, no doubt)
I’ll just have fruits and greens (vegetables; red and green) as good as I can. Detox along with laxatives and cal/ fat-burn pills and workout. Must work, can’t fail this time.
So I guess I owe you a good update in a while with weight and bmi and workout/ food diary.
Take care for now readers and I’ll catch you later, hang in there!



yay. i have to exercise a lot. thank you.

By the way, I really like your style, it's unique and I read your blog so often and I just wonder..if we could follow each other.. But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your reader ♥ I know what is ED because I had it some time ago. Now I'm fat. So please, follow me because I need some motivation to loose weight!

with love,


Welcome Pralinka!