Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No run but dance and fun and some dirty secrets.

Instead of going out for a beachrun, I stayed inside blasted some street dance music and now I've been dancing for 2 hours, the sweat is dripping from my body.

I started out with some inspiration by watching step up 2, I acctually like that movie a lot. click here for the trailer. (Is the link working as it should, or is it just my cmptr messin with me?)

I use to dance in school and during my childhood, I really love it.
I still go out to clubs just to dance, I don't drink and I don't do cigarettes or drugs, I used to but I'm no longer doing that.
I'm all clean. But I've been a fucked up kid, but no one noticed. I was that sweet little girl next door, the girl from a small town. The girl who grew tall and wich turned out to become a model, struttin down them runways. My agencies does'nt know about my e.d .
I don't want to harm their bussines, they don't tell me to lose weight I do. That's why it's a secret. And why should I tell them? I would probably lose my job. Blugh!

I feel so much better when I'm thin, I do.
And we are not alone, even the ones on top fight food for being thin more or less.
for example;

Kate Moss has been accused of encouraging young girls to become anorexic after glorifying a 'size zero' slogan. The supermodel caused outrage by revealing that one of her mottos is the phrase 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'.
The saying is a watchword for millions of anorexics and bulimia sufferers.

There's no doubt of that the person writing this "glorifying, encouraging"-bullshit don't know a shit of what he was talking about.

Kate Moss when she got the question if she have any motto:
-There are loads. There's "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". That's one of them. You try and remember, but it never works.

I haven't weight myself today. I'll do that tomorrow.
Do you want or need anything from me dear readers? Just ask here or email me.  I'll answer asap. :)

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