Sunday, June 12, 2011

Motivation thank you very much

Hey, last day was blast!
But my ride home was endless and I was so so so tired.
When I arrived my brother picked me upp at the centralstation, came home and crashed on our sofa.
And this is where I wake up... I slept through a whole night! probably had between 1-2 h sleep last day/ night. And after this intence photoshoot I was so tired.
I felt ... like I had a hughe hungover when I woke up this morning. And I was about go hit another job at 16.
Phu... well now I'm home again, and I'm going to bed.

P.s. I love you readers, you make me so happy. I love that my thoughts which I translate into words acctually helps others and me. This month's top readers are, inter alia, from: Germany, Denmark, UK, Vietnam, U.S. and Sweden.

I had a 6000 steps- walk in the morning and then of to work where I probably did 100000000 steps. I want  a stepcounter, and a clicker and a gymcard, top 3 need/ have to get.

I had breakfast; porridge, coffee (americano)
I had lunch; boiled vegs
I had something; 1 green apple and 5 coffee (espressos).

Way to much for me to handle. Tomorrow it's monday, monday means - New start, Revenge! I'm gonna write myself a schedule (food, workout, work) ...

Do you have any tips for me? Like food, workout or anything?

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