Thursday, June 9, 2011

deserve to be sad and sick?

And it was here again, with out any warnings.
Panicattac, heavy breathing, sad, hate everything, no meaning with my life... everything is worthless
I wish I was ... I don't know whatt I wish for.

A few minutes ago I was happy, very happy.. it's like I've used all my happy-time to fast so now I deserve or just have to be sad.

This sucks.

But you my readers, I hope that you are feeling a lot better than I do?
You make me very happy when you read my blog.

Goodnight from me... I dedicate this evening and night to Isabelle Caro, who died at age 28.
Caro, who had struggled with anorexia since she was 13, chose to battle her demons in public in a bid to warn women away from the disease. She appeared on talk shows and wrote a blog and then a book titled The Little Girl Who Didn't Want to Get Fat.
She died on 17 November last year. She was a fantastic person, she meant a lot to me. She still does.

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